Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Totally gripped off more ....
Check the Orkney and Shetland links for loads of birds .... Red-backed Shrike reported at Saltwick and Dotterel by the Beacon are all that can be managed here, none for me, too much work.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Saturday, 9 May 2009
The genius of Bill Bailey
Paul Merton followed by Bill Bailey, a BBC2 comedy treat. Bill had the BBC Concert Orchestra as his backing band. Sublime was Saint Saens The Swan (oh yes this blog does have birding at its heart) played by Bill and the orchestra's percussionists on tuned cowbells. The William Tell Overture was played in Bill's Cockney style. Stunning, original comedy.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Junkyard classic
Jeff makes great album ..... have a listen - just love Roll Bus Roll, try it here.
Jeffrey Lewis & the Junkyard are playing Leeds and Newcastle over the next few days, not sure I can get there. Stand out songs are the afore mentioned Roll Bus Roll, the wonderful The Upside-Down Cross, the once-called Wildflowers (previously featured on WhitbyBirding) and now retitled as Bugs & Flowers.
Don't just believe me, The Observer review is here and The Guardian one here (oh, can't find it now it was there the other day). Enjoy.