Books for sale November 2023.

The books below are all for sale, suggested price against each one, please feel free to offer more (!) or less (and I'll let you know).  Many thanks for taking a look. If these don't sell in a month or so they'll be going to a book dealer, or to eBay. Condition is mostly good, some are excellent, a few covers are a bit tatty but the book is in very good condition. I'll note where there is anything significant to note. All prices are to collect, if you want me to post any of these I'll need to add that on to the cost, I'll do that as economically as possible but Royal Mail is the easiest for me to arrange. Contact me at badseawatcher at (replacing at with @ and getting rid of the spaces of course, or message me on FB, What'sApp etc if you have those contacts). Or you can leave a message in the Comments at the bottom of the page, that is public though.

Please scroll down through the bird books to the insect and other titles, thanks.

Bird books and CDs.

Hard back book and CDs £7.50

£15.00 hard back book and CDs.

Tatty cover, book is very good, hardback; £5.00

Useful book, even if it is a bit old, good nick, soft cover, £3.50

Hard back, slight damage to top of spine but otherwise as new, £55.00 SOLD

Soft cover, £18.00, pretty much as new.

Hardback, pretty much as new, £25.00

Soft cover, as new £7.00.

Soft cover, very good condition, starting bid set at £17.50, please bid on eBay -

Soft cover, pretty much as new, for sale on eBay starting bid £63.50

Soft cover, pretty much as new, for sale on eBay starting bid £17.50

Hard back, cover a bit tatty, £20.00 SOLD

Hard back, tatty cover but otherwise good, £5.00

Hard back, damaged spine, no dust cover, page edges discoloured, £3.00 SOLD

Hard cover, very good condition, £5.00 - proceeds of this book all donated to BTO on sale.

Four CDs, covers ok, £15.00

Hard cover, tatty dust jacket but otherwise good, £3.00 to be donated to BTO.

Hard cover, very tatty dust jacket, but otherwise good, large format 1st edition, £20.

As seen, £2, to be donated to BTO.

As seen, £3.00 to be dontated to BTO.

Rather old, as seen £2 donated to RSPB.

Soft cover, £3.00 donated to BTO.

Soft cover, cover marked, otherwise pretty much as new, £7.00 SOLD

Moths and other critters.

Soft cover, fair, £2.00

Soft cover, as new, £14.00 SOLD

Hard cover, dust jacket a bit tatty, otherwise good, £15.00

Hard cover, as new, £25.00

Hard cover, dust cover a bit tatty, £7.00 SOLD

Soft cover, fair condition, £15.00 SOLD

Soft cover, not the best condition, £1.00

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