Saturday, 21 November 2009

Another stunning Saturday morning ...

The Brough on a bonny morn

Louise's worry about moving here was that the wind would never cease and that the sun would never shine. So far about every third morning has been sunny and calm.

I wandered down to the Shunan this morning, after a quick shufty around the garden (Fieldfare, Blackbird 5, Redwing 3) to find more Redwing, c100 down the track, with a good few more Blackbirds and the Shunan stuffed with quackers (Wigeon 25, Teal 162) but no sign of the hoped for carolinensis.

The weather being jolly, porridge scoffed, we all headed for Birsay, here Fulmars were heading west at about 200 an hour (maybe more), there were 5 Pink-feet in a field and a pile of gulls to the north but family in tow I didn't really get much of a chance to get into it in a serious way.. Before too long we had to head for Kirkwall and the netball do.

The PDC was as usual stuffed with ducks, probably 25 Goldeneye, 20 Long-tailed Ducks at least and 100 Tufted. I viewed from the "wrong" side and was on other duties so counting was a bit rough and ready.

We finally had to do some house stuff but a detour into the local sounds emporium (support your local "record" shop) led me chance on a gem. Whilst quickly browsing the cd shelves before being hauled off to consider curtains and tables, I came upon a recent release by Robin Trower and Jack Bruce. Now one of my fondest memories of the 70s is seeing Trower (during Bridge of Sighs time) at Liverpool Stadium - beyond awesome. So it was hard to resist. I've embedded a clip from earlier this year of the Last Door - recording a bit flat it has to be said but you'll get the gist. Never understood how one person can make so much unholy wonder from a single instrument (Nick, you must point Nick D to this, I'm sure his estimation of my musical taste will be reconsidered - no hiphop or drum'n'base here). I would just love to hear this live, "Distant places of the heart" is also pretty special . I'm in the groove for this at the moment as "Are you Experienced?" is blasting me backwards and forwards to Kirkwall at the moment (absolutely banned by the family, "Dad, this is the worst music in the world".)

Another Kirkwall moment, spotting PH to whom I owed a fiver for the texting service I caught up with him and handed over the cash. Only having a tenner the change somehow ended up in the girls open hands, never seen again by me as they disappeared rapidly into open shop doors ...

The 15 minute drama after Loose Ends on R4 "Jam today" is worth a listen.

Birsay tomorrow I reckon - Killdeer where art thou?

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