Thursday, 25 March 2010

Spring is ...

Our summer migrants are arriving. Lesser Black-backed Gull has been in for a couple of weeks now and Siskin is all around the islands, there was a male on our peanuts yesterday morning. I managed to catch up with the Spotted Redshank today which was found by AL on Sunday whilst I was away. Subsequent grillings of the Shunan earlier in the week have failed to reveal it but this morning it was feeding out in the middle - made me a little later for work than I like. The slurry is being pumped on the fields at the moment and there are piles of gulls about, at least 25 Lesser Black-backs around the Shunan and on the surrounding fields this evening but nothing else of note amongst about 750 gulls of the other four species. The smell around the house is a trifle strong though.

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