Sunday, 9 May 2010

Garden birding

Yesterday, Arctic Skua flew past the house as I was eating breakfast; another was on the Shunan around lunchtime.

Ringtail Hen Harrier flew through the garden a.m. Then three Siskin, a male and two f appeared around the feeders, the male similar to last weeks. A Goldfinch appeared on the feeders midday and scoffed Nyger until late afternoon.

Added to the garden list were Wheatear and at long, long last Ringed Plover.

A Dunlin was on The Shunan a.m. Arctic Terns were on Bosquoy a.m. and seen on Harray. A Red-throated Diver flew along the Harray shore too.


  1. Just found your blog for the first time Alastair, very enjoyable read.

  2. Thank you, all compliments gratefully accepted :-)
