Thursday, 5 August 2010


...when the measurements in the instructions are incorrect. However, the supposedly finished foundations were fixed by late afternoon, hopefully job done.

The Shunan has been entertaining all day with 19 Black-tailed Godwits arriving at 9ish, one colour ringed, presumably as last year with Icelandic colour rings. Dunlin were up to 5 and I could have sworn I heard Ringed Plover a few times. Late afternoon two Ruff appeared and showed from the garden eventually, after making me sweat a little that they'd flown. With two Semi-Ps present in England my fingers are crossed.

I resisted the urge to tear off to South Ron for the Alpine Swift, nice as they are I'd much rather find a decent wader.


  1. Good luck, its only a matter of time!

  2. ... hopefully and with perseverence, my luck hasn't been good recently though. Shag added to from the garden list today via bionic scoping.
