Saturday, 4 September 2010

Yabadabadoo Day

Four Laps on the Brough of Birsay earlyish. Back down by Palace stores there was a Willow Warbler in the garden (2nd in two days as there had been one at work on Friday). Got home in time for the freshly baked bread to appear promptly from the oven too.

Earlier a male Hen Harrier had hunted through the garden, just outside the bedroom window.

Mooched about for a bit and sent Gary (Bicycling Birder) on his way for a few days then gave the garden the once over for .... a blank.

Local gen indicated some Curlew Sands not too far away, but dipped. However, the possibility of Common Cranes at Outertown was confirmed by some excellent views enjoyed by all (+a passing colleague). N.B. there's a bit of sensitivity about this area so please view only from the road or (very good) the beach car park.

Common Cranes

The Shunan had been sadly neglected all day, partly because of the wind. However, got the family to drop me off there on the way home and gave it a proper grilling. A Blackwit was good. Some Goldies dropped in and when they left two other waders flew with them. Initially I thought these were a Dunlin and a stint but when they landed distantly I realised it was a Dunlin and something a bit bigger. Light was grim but it looked like a Pec. Waders flew again and landed on the hard to see near shore. Viewed from the gate opposite the open field gate though a nice bit of mud is visible and eventually 3 Dunlin and 2 Pec Sands revealed themselves and showed pretty well. Nice one.


  1. A bit like a day in Hadlow, eh?

  2. ... and a great similarity to West Yorkshire, not.

  3. Brilliant stuff, new The Shunan would get something good before long, Yellowlegs next!

  4. Sorry that should have been "knew" (its been a long weekend!)even now I'm scared of teachers, scarred for life I am

  5. Greater 'legs would be spiffing
