Saturday, 2 October 2010


Not a Y-bW (working in Kirkwall earlier this week)

I've been birding east and south a bit recently and this morning decided that a trip to South Ron at dawn would be the business, basically slightly miffed that I'm the only Orkney birder not to see any sort of half decent passerine this autumn (Laps excepted). Duly arrived at the Hope and searched hopelessly for PH's buntings of yesterday afternoon, so headed back to the South Cara bushes. Here Goldcrest's made reassuring noises and three duly appeared and then a small warbler flew away from me towards the cottage, fortunately it called as it left, YbW. Hopeless views were obtained before it disappeared into the cottage garden. Then a wagtail flew over, but the call was not right so I looked at it and it was a bunting. It didn't stop and I can't put a name to it other than brown bunting, ******!!!!!!!

Chiffchaff showed, another YbW called in the lower bushes. PH appeared and at that point two YbWs performed beautifully right in front of us for some minutes. There was also a smart male Brambling, some Siskin and a few Song Thrushes. Got back for a late breakfast and our guests.

Family trip to Birsay produced a smart sum plum Great Northern flying east and two Manx. On the Links there were 4 Laps and then 14 flew over Palace where a Siskin dropped in and there was a Robin in the garden.

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