Monday, 27 June 2011

Full on

It's been like a good autumn over the last few weeks and the last few weeks of work have been very busy so little time to post.

Yesterday I went out to Auskerry which is a small island just to the south of Stronsay. It took an hour and a half to get there from Kirkwall in a fairly speedy boat. Two Arctic Terns harassed me at one point, not so long ago there were 8,000 nesting here. Despite the lack of terns it was an interesting day with a range of species some of which were still breeding or had been successful. Arctic Skuas, various cliff nesting seabirds (see below) and the usual wader suspects. Two Harbour Porpoise an adult and a calf were also espied. The island is inhabited, by one family. A different kind of life.

Auskerry pictures


 Fulmar nests

 View to the light




On the way back the mobile buzzed a bit and a message came through (thanks SS) that there was a stint sp on The Shunan. I'd checked it before I left but easterly winds were conducive to something happening, despite the date. However, thorough searching for over an hour did not reveal the stint so I went to cook tea only to be soon interupted by AL to say he'd got a Temminck's. Tea abandonned (loss of house points there). Shot down the hill nearly losing it on the bend and connected. Good job too as it has proved highly elusive subsequently being seen briefly just twice despite my own and others prolonged efforts. Have not (so far) managed to get it on the "from the garden" list.

A walk today with Cora the dog tugging produced no stint but I did refind the two Ring-necked Ducks on Bosquoy and various other bits and bats showed well there, including a nice male Hen Harrier. More broods of Tufted make at least six so far. 8 Siskin were in the peedie wood.

The Shunan this evening held at least 24 Black-tailed Godwits and 17 Dunlin. The Tree Sparrow has visited a couple of times today.

 Record shot! R-n Quacks

Evening sky - Mirbister

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