Friday, 12 August 2011

Spotted Redshank

A Spotted Redshank on The Shunan this morning with an influx of 10 or so Redshank. I managed to see the Spotshank from the garden as well, always pleasing. The Ruff flock which was 6 the day before yesterday, two yesterday, is four today.

Of most interest yesterday was an influx of Herring Gulls, a total of 52 on The Shunan and surrounding fields which is an exceptional number for this site.

A juvenile Kestrel has been hanging around and a Sparrowhawk has been paying regular(ish) visits to the garden.

Small Tortoiseshell numbers have reached a minimum of seven in the garden with four Red Admirals and a few Meadow Browns. The moth trap the other day held over 200 each of Dark Arches and Large Yellow Underwing.

At Evie on Sunday there was a Ringed Plover pair with three day old or so chicks, this seems very late. As usual the Little Grebes on Bosquoy are late though, two pairs have chicks with one quite large one, and the other brood is of two which can be only a week or so old.

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