Sunday, 18 September 2011

Migrant hunting

6.30 off and down to South Ron collecting JB from Toab on the way. A quick stop at Quoyangry was nearly a quick heart attack until reason cut in and the three waders in the field were identified as Grey Plover.

Burwick ruin
Down at Burwick small warblery jobs were a jumping and a jiving and we managed to see thre Blackcaps, two (at least) Garden Warblers, two Willow Warblers and a LesserWhitethroat in the same bush. A couple of exciting moments with an unidentified thing that flew in and flew off (Nightingale!!!!!!!???) and a maybe elusive Iccy but it was good enough without them.

 Garden Warblers

To Brough Farm where last year the BBS had held a brief court, the fields were full of waders including 49 Ruff and a couple of Curlew Sands amongst many Goldies and a variety of commoner waders.

Back to Burwick and then to the Graemston Loch gardens which produced a very vocal Yellow-browed and a Spot Fly.

A quick stop at Hestily then on to Windwick where there were a few Sylvias in the bushes but we only nailed Garden and Blackcap.

At Quoyangry again where there were now four Grey Plovers but we flushed the calidrid flock, although one Curlew Sand was ided in flight.

A blank at Cara but DS put us on to the Honeygeo Red-back and sure enough there it was when we got there with Lesserthroat again and WW.

 Red-backed Shrike


By this point (1.30) house points were in jeopardy so it was time to retire from the field.

Back in Harray the first Chaffinch of the autumn was calling from the garden and the greenfinch flock had returned, approving of the much improved quality of the bird food (a whole bag of sunflower seeds now added).


  1. Great stuff, cracking tale, good birds :)

  2. I currently have a plane ticket for North Ron on Friday evening but the plane is currently broken I understand even if the Lesser Kessie sticks...
