Saturday, 21 January 2012

More ice in a hooley

 Iceland Gull in a storm

Went out to Marwick briefly today. Almost impossible to go birding, even from the car it was pretty tricky due to the wind blowing somewhere near a Force 9. I staggered out to Sand Geo and beyond where there were about 30 or so Iceland Gulls, including at least three Kumlien's, mostly identified by naked eye as using the bins was tricky, due to the wind, rain and blowing foam. It was like being in a storm of needles. Sheltering in the fishermen's huts provided some respite.

By the Choin at Marwick there were at least six more Iceland types and a 2cy Kumlien's, Also there two adult and one more Glaucous. Inland a bit and there were three more Glaucous on the Marwick pools.

 Adult Glaucous Gull

At home today Tree Sparrow, two or three Chaffinch and a male Hen Harrier; a little way up the fields there were 50 Fieldfare and by The Shunan 100 Redwings and four Moorhens.