Sunday, 22 April 2012

A post at last...

Busy, busy busy... poor blog, no posts.

Have been away south, seeing (the now murdered) Caper at Loch Morlich and seeing Black Grouse, the first I've seen for twenty years I reckon.

Migrants are now appearing, two Grey Plover on Loch of Bosquoy this morning were a surprise, Wheatears, Swallow and White Wagtail at Birsay yesterday. There were still two Glaucous Gulls at Loch of Skaill this evening. Up to three Brambling were in the garden yesterday as was a Goldfinch this evening. It seems a White-tailed Eagle may have flown by this afternoon whilst I was clearing out the shed...


  1. Good to have you back Alistair, was getting worried there for a while. Had mean't to ask Nick C if he had heard from you. Can't beat Spring time and the return of some old favs. Swallows and House Martins back in Calderdale just waiting for first Garden warblers and Whitethroats to put in an appearence now. Sure you've heard we have all deserted Whitby and Robin Hoods bay in favour of Flamborough Head. Looking forward to my first spring visit of the year this weekend.

  2. Hope Flam produces something. Bits and bats today but not full on birding - may go out for a bit tomorrow.

    Just too much work of late and taking the dog for a walk late evening seems to gobble my blogging time.
