Sunday, 27 May 2012


The highlight yesterday was watching as Osprey take a large trout whilst drinking tea in the garden (me with the tea, not the Osprey, that was more bothered about the trout).

A crepuscular tour did not reveal anything much unfortunately.

A look at the Skibi Geo Arctic Terns was not very encouraging, about 40 pairs were on the colony but in 40 mins or so I only saw two very small fish brought in.

All sorts of excitement at The Shunan today, AL found a Wood Sand, which rapidly disappeared and then later in the morning a Pec Sand was reported, which I also could not find. However, two Common Sands, a Ringed Plover, 7 or 8 Dunlin, a Wheatear, and a redpoll sp flew through. In the garden a House Martin paid a brief visit.

Here's a couple more pix from Birsay, the Hoodies are nesting just by the Arctic Tern colony, so even if the sand eels do turn up I don't reckon much for the Arctics' chances.

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