Sunday, 19 August 2012


The wind blew easterly and shortly after my ill-judged trip to North Ronaldsay there were migrants everywhere. Flights out to the island were cancelled in the mornings due to fog so getting out there wasn't really on but I made the best of it on Mainland. A good seawatch and some decent migrant hunting didn't turn up anything startling, perhaps the Reed Warbler at Palace being the best, but it was all quite exciting nonetheless.

The one that got away was a likely Citrine Wag on the beach at Birsay this morning which I heard call a couple of times but just could not locate.

Point of Ayre produced 9 Sooties on Thursday morning. A search around a nearby plantation found a Pied Fly.

Saturday was the day of the Reed Warbler, over which I spent about an hour to ensure that it wasn't Marsh, it exhibited rather an unmarked face apart from a very distinct eye ring, it had very well marked primary tips; unfortunately it also had a rather long bill, quite even brown plumage and dark brownish legs.

A Dunlin and a Sanderling

This morning there were piles of waders on Palace Beach, including at least 12 Knot and a Ruff. The Shunan has held up to two Blackwits and a Greenshank. Loch of Bosquoy continues to host a male Marsh Harrier.

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