Saturday, 2 February 2013

Bye bye Foot It, hello Gyr

Louise has gripped me off with Buzzard, Brambling and Merlin of late, none of which made my January Foot It list. The Buzzard was seen in January too. On Friday she reported Brambling under the feeders so it was not surprising to find a colourful host, 28, in the garden this morning.

I stepped out briefly with the dog and blow me a Song Thrush was about the first bird I saw. That would have been two more and brought me to well over 107%. As it is I will be satisfied with my 105% with three over the 58 target.

It took me a while to look at the phone which quickly reminded me that a Gyr had been seen yesterday just 15 minutes away by car. It had been relocated and was showing well. Bundled complaining youngest offspring into the car (had already fallen out with oldest one who had gone to the ponies with Louise) and set off. Unusually for me I arrived at the appointed spot and immediately located the bird. Huge numbers of birders then arrived until, including offspring there were ten of us twitching the Gyr. I was very surprised at the colour of this bird which was a white morph but had a lovely gingery tone to the breast and under parts and to the face and crown. Great views enabled me to see a grey cere, eyering and feet so it certainly isn't an adult.

Not the best photo...

Had really good views of it in flight too. At one point it bombed off towards a spaniel which was quartering some rough ground nearby. Initially it appeared to be hunting the dog but in fact I suspect it was getting in close in case the dog put some prey up. 

After all this excitement I barely had time to nip down to Bosquoy where there was a drake Goosander and good numbers of duck but nothing to get the pulse racing.

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