Friday, 3 January 2014

Sunrise start (09:15)

Out at sunrise on a FootIt mission, heading for the north and east of the one mile circumference. The plan was to get Song Thrush in the gorse "up back" then head onto the edge of the moor with Red Grouse and Snipe in mind.

Heading up the path through the gorse with the dog on the lead we flushed a Woodcock from under our feet, that was a bonus. The predicted Song Thrush was then located. A few steps up through the gorse and a roost of 12 Blackbirds were flushed. Closer to the moor and another Meadow Pipit, an easy species this year. The last clump of gorse before the moor and something flushed, bit slow to get the bins up but it had flown by and into some gorse back down the way. Retrace steps, Redwing, a species that can be well tricky in January.

Next on to the moor. Let the dog off and hope. Tactic failed, all we flushed were two hares which came out from almost under the dog's feet and which she somehow managed not to see. Back on the lead and heading home and two Snipe flushed as we approached the moor gate. But no Red Grouse. Added to the Kestrel I'd seen through the bedroom window first thing, 49 and 80.3%.

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