Saturday, 19 April 2014

Unexpected patch tick

Scrutinising the Tuftie flock at Howaback this evening along with the 8 Scaup there was a female Common Scoter. Common Scoter is an uncommon species here so finding one inland on a loch is a big surprise, nice it chose my patch. (Picture to follow, hopefully.)

Common Scoter, Loch of Harray (Photo Dave Constantine) (Thanks Dave)

A good bit of today was spent east. A Black-throated Diver was a nice surprise off Liddel where there were distant Slavs in sum plum and a few Red-throats and GNDs.

A large flock of Long-tailed Ducks on the PDC provided some photographic opportunities.

Earlier in the day around home 35 Pinkies flew NW and there were 2 Blackwits and the Ruff still on The Shunan. Whilst I was out Louise had a very pale buzzard low over the house and garden....

Goodbye Pinkies


  1. Nice photos mate. Singing Gropper on the patch here this morning.

  2. Will post todays Snow Bunt pix in a mo they're pretty nice too.

    Might be an aurora tonight....
