Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Loch of Bosquoy p.m.

Loch of Bosquoy was beautiful this evening and a pile of birds appeared that I will be very keen to see again in the New Year.

A high flying male Hen Harrier appeared to be pursuing a a climbing Snipe but it suddenly saw something below it and started to fall, a dot (probably a meadow pipit) came into view, the harrier closed but at that moment Merlin mayhem as two screamed in below the harrier after the same prey, and a kestrel joined in too. In the confusion I did not see if the passerine escaped, but great views of the raptors.

All this raptor activity caused general unrest amongst the waders and many took to the sky, Lapwings, Curlew, Golden Plover and amongst the Lapwing six Ruff were very nice.

Louise and Cora flushed a Jack Snipe too.

 Not a Jack Snipe