Saturday, 2 April 2016


The nasty weather on Friday brought an influx of Woodpigeons, 26, and by Saturday morning, when the day dawned bright, Meadow Pipits and Skylarks were much in evidence, Meadow Pipits in particular were now singing in numbers, they seem to have come straight in and on to territory.

Starling singing in the back garden

Blackbird has finally begun to sing in the garden, I still don't understand why they are so late to begin singing here when in Kirkwall they will have been singing for the best part of a month, average temperature maybe? Starlings are seeking nesting places, we'll need to be checking the cars each morning shortly. Greenfinch are singing and displaying all around the garden. Linnet were at Bosquoy today with a male in song and a partner present. The Mute Swan pair on The Shunan had to defend their realm against invasion as another pair tried to stake their claim, they were violently repulsed. The Rooks now have 44 nests with a further five small bundles of twigs and birds are busy collecting lining materials.

Spring farming activity brings interesting gulls - or not

Lesser Celandine, more yellow time

34 Twite at Howaback, should be dispersing soon

At the coast the Wigeon were still much in evidence at The Links and there were three Mute Swans on the sea, the beginning of the usual spring build up.

Gratuitous Harbour Seal pic
