Sunday, 29 May 2016

Insects at least, and some terns

Moth trapping is still very slow with just a few Hebrew Character and the occasional other, best recently a Shears

A few hoverflies have been found, a brief Leucozona leucorum, Eristalis pertinax, Rhingia campestris, Helophilus pendulus and more of those tricksy Platycheirus albimanus, these all in the garden. P. albimanus was also common along the track by Birsay Tearooms. Green-veined Whites are now being seen in ones and twos across the West Mainland but I'm yet to see any other butterfly clearly enough to identify it.

Eristalis pertinax showing the diagnostic yellow front feet

Not too many birds, Lesser Redpoll occasionally on the feeder and Gadwall and Wigeon today on The Shunan. Turnstone seem to have moved through at Palace now and the Dunlin are dwindling but still 30 Sanderling today.

A new Arctic Tern colony with about 90 nests yesterday and there are likely about 40 pairs at Skiba Geo.

Some seasonal plant life.

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