A surprise on Sunday was a Whooper Swan on the sea amongst the summering flock at Palace. I didn't get Whooper on the Palace patch last year so very welcome.
There was a smart Reed Bunting at the beginning of the hawthorn hedge yesterday evening which tempted me with the camera, it disappeared into the thorns but then something flicked. Suddenly I was on to a flycatcher. It looked quite small and short-tailed. No white in the wing, no white in the tail and I couldn't see any streaking on the breast or flanks. However there did seem to be streaking on the forehead. It took about half an hour to get a view that showed the feint streaking on the breast, but in that time I had ruled out something more exciting due to the lack of an eye ring and feint flank streaking. Educational.
Was listening to the shrill song of sedge warblers the other day, but never saw any!