Sunday, 5 February 2017

Harrier stuff

Eighth time lucky.... finally managed to connect with the likely Pallid Harrier at Mill Dam of Rango. Watched it preening for 20 minutes in the afternoon sunshine, of course the moment I went for the camera it flew. Just didn't get enough on it to claim it. Unstreaked, rich rufous brown below. On the ground looked slight, difficult to judge that in flight, didn't get the primary tip count and thought the wings looked much broader in the hand than a Monty (as they should), but did look bulkier and broader than the North Ron bird I found a few years ago.

Before this Cora had unfortunately flushed the young male Hen Harrier off a kill at Palace. I'm not great at raptors but I'd guess this bird is a 3cy. Here's some pics anyway.

Also at Palace a Carrion Crow.

At home Woodpigeons have built up to five, there was a Shelduck on The Shunan, two Siskin and a Goldfinch on the feeders, indicate spring is on the way. Record totals of 18 Shoveler and 26 Coot on The Shunan were the other highlights.

1 comment:

  1. Well the "Pallid" Harrier seems most likely to be just a Hen Harrier. Maybe it could be a Northern Harrier (doubtful on head markings) or a hybrid (probably unlikely even given the wandering male Northern Harrier from North Ron).
