Monday, 21 May 2018


A walk at Northside on Saturday. The mission was to check on the Arctic Terns on Skiba Geo. Maybe twenty pairs looked to be on the rocks, we'll see what happens. Several Bonxies went by but not much else of avian interest.

 Tystie love


 Thrift, scurvy grass and The Brough

 Dandelions and waves

 Lesser Celandine and silverweed

 Shiny woodlouse (Oniscus asellus)

 A Trombidium sp mite (thanks LJ for id), a big very bright thing.

 Eider display

 Eider pair


The moth trap had added a couple of new species for the year, White Ermine and Silver Y.

 White Ermine

 Lady's Smock

 Lady's Smock

 Silver Y

 Eristalis pertinax

Gastrophysa viridula the green dock beetle, found all over the place at the weekend.

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