Sunday, 12 August 2018

Marwick Head

Brilliant afternoon at Marwick Head with loads of insects up near the monument on Spear Thistle, thanks to AL for the heads up. Moths - Hummingbird Hawk, 2; Silver Y, 20; Agriphila straminiella, lots; Twin-spot Carpet, 2; White Ermine (cat) 1. Butterflies - Peacock, 1; Red Admiral, 2; Painted Lady, 12; Common Blue, 1. Bees - Great Yellow Bumblebee, huge number! Common Carder, and various black, white and yellow beasts which I might try to identify later (Bombus lucorum agg photo below).

Hummingbird Hawk was a county tick and only the second Peacock I've seen since we've been here.


  1. It is incredible how fast a hummingbird can move its wing! Amazing that you were able to capture these photos, especially the ones of the bees. Thanks for the share, hope you had a fantastic weekend. Keep up the posts.
    World of Animals

  2. Lovely photos, as usual! I love close-up photos of bees, they just look so cuddly LOL
