Saturday, 18 May 2019


I'd offered to help at a bio-blitz tomorrow afternoon but it's been cancelled. Pleased because what I'd really like to do is head for the poo fields on the coast and have a delve about. Last weekend we went here:

The field of dreams....

And amongst the many Aphodius depressus and sphecalatus/prodromus (I'm still not sure about these) there was a single Aphodius lapponum, NFM, dead chuffed. (It took a bit of work to key it out though.)

Agrolinus lapponum (more taxonomic jiggery going on). The orange thing on the end of the elytra is a parasitic mite.

Also during the week a photo was posted on FB of a large dung beetle on Westray. After a bit of help and (a little controversy perhaps) an ID of Geotrupes stercorarius was made. I'd not realised that any Dor Beetles occurred here so I was a bit amazed. Then I was informed there was a 1901 record and five or six more recent ones and quite a wide variety of sites (all the same recorder - no not the 1901 one -  who clearly has the knack for, and determination to, search for and find these). I'm quite surprised one hasn't come to light here or been found in poo I've been digging around in - but I'm on a mission now...

The moth trap yielded a Dark Sword-grass in the week. And we're all lit up this evening with three traps running. Just out now to check the MV.

Managed to get away from work in order to twitch today's Woodchat on the industrial estate at Hatston late afternoon. Whilst I've seen loads abroad, and one in Ireland, I'd always dipped previously in UK. The light was a bit rubbish and I couldn't get the mantle colour but I think this was an adult female. 

 The primary patch is easy to see so race senator.

Top image Canon but other two digiscoped.

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