Sunday, 29 March 2020


It has to be mentioned, Covid-19, as the impact is frightening, in all kinds of ways. Doing much of my wildlife hunting around home these days the personal inconvenience is not as significant as it might have been in the past, with regard to limiting my movements and driving me mad. That's a selfish and trivial impact except when it is considered in the light of our right to freedom of movement, it will be interesting to see what happens in the aftermath, I have concerns. The deaths will involve many private and personal tragedies, especially with the loss of mourning and being able to say goodbye properly. The economic impact is nothing short of terrifying, I think my children's children will be paying for this when they are middle-aged, perhaps that's a bit pessimistic - or not. Here in Orkney the whole tourist industry is in jeopardy, especially our cafes, pubs and restaurants.

Lesser Celandine, now coming into flower.

On a more cheery note, there are exciting things happening around and about in"the wild". Our garden and the surrounding fields are getting even more attention than usual and I'm looking forward to the end of term in a week.

 Paranchus albipes, a common enough Carabid but I'd not previously found it on the patch.

Bembidion bruxellense, I have found this here before but in litter, this was in the burn's gravel, 2nd county record.

Calathus melenocephalus.

First frogs here were last year, now frog spawn.

 Milax gigantes, NFM and new for the patch.

 Arion flagellus I think.

Green Cellar Slug with Common Shiny Woodlouse and Common Rough Woodlice.

One attempt with a light trap, but a bit half-hearted I brought it in at midnight, a blank. It has been so cold here, and rained a lot.

Not much avian to report, Kestrel, a migrant, Pintail, a pair briefly. The Oystercatchers always lift the spirits though.


  1. Latitude affects flowering time a lot then, I've seen the celandine in flower for a moth at least here

  2. The main bloom has just come out with this sunshine, we've had little of that of late. I've been seeing the occasional isolated flower for a few weeks now though too.
