Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Mammal day

Yesterday, was the forebringer, a Pygmy Shrew was sadly in one of the garage snap traps. This has occurred before oddly, no way should they be wandering around in the house.

Today started well as I went to feed and muck out Blue, our pony, first thing (ish) and came across a female Otter with two kits feeding in the loch. I've seen plenty of Otter signs this year but this was the first time I've seen the beasts themselves.

On the way home a Brown Hare ran up the road just in front of the car and then paused momentarily as it turned in to the field, over the stone dyke, under the barbed wire, and away, but no photo.

On our walk with the hound a Rabbit posed nicely.

Then later, wandering around in the garden something caught my eye. I stood still, got the camera from the bag and waited. Sure enough out popped an inquisitive and unaware Orkney Vole.

Orkney Vole

Absolutely an ambition species to photograph, it has only taken me the best part of eleven years. We do occasionally see them in the walled, flower garden right by the house and this one had a tunnel running along the base of the outer edge of the wall A bit of luck, and I had the camera to hand.

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