Sunday, 17 May 2020

Garden bird race and Otiorhynchus porcatus

55 species from the garden today and missed some that I really should have got, like Hen Harrier. However, Merlin, Goldeneye, Osprey and Arctic Skuas were nice.

Blurry Osprey, with (presumed) Brown Trout, raising a commotion.

 Dog walk (exercise) Ice, off patch unfortunately.

Star of the day was a new beetle for the garden and NFM too. Otiorhynchus porcatus, 5mm of quite distinctive weevil in one of the garden pitfalls and to be released the morn.

Otiorhyinchus porcatus.


  1. That is a nice looking beetle. Yet to see that one

  2. Very chuffed to get it, must go and look at the traps and let it go as id confirmed.
