Sunday, 5 July 2020

Those of a delicate persuasion should look away now - this is brutal.

The Woodpigeons have taken to messing about in a corner of our little walled garden. We're not sure what they are up to but it has been since we cleared the corner out a bit and put in some new plants. A Hooded Crow pair have nested in the back garden, in a conifer right by the house, yet again they have failed, but they are still holding territory. Last night it rained and it was still raining this morning.

Mid-morning Louise called me over to the bedroom window as a Hoodie was down in that corner of the garden and had a Woodpigeon cornered. The Hoodie was going in like an expert boxer, picking her shots (pretty sure it was the female of the pair responsible for this as she is a lot smaller than her mate). She was having a serious go at the Woodpigeon, feathers were flying.

Now a Woodpigeon is a mighty strong bird, try ringing one. They are very strong and very hard to hold. The Hoodie was being cautious, she was not prepared to attack face on but kept manouvering to attack from behind. The battle spilled out of cover and into the open. Slowly but surely the crow was wearing the pigeon down, going for the head and neck and causing some serious damage.

At this point both birds look bedraggled but the Woodpigeon is in a bad way. However, the battle is not over. The Hoodie was still unwilling to take a direct approach and was getting behind, pulling wings and tail and then attacking the back of the head. The Hoodie started to eat the still alive pigeon, every now and then it made another effort to resist, but eventually the crow killed it.

 The male of the pair then arrived for his breakfast.

An hour or so later this is all that was left.

The crow must have observed the Woodpigeon behaviour and taken advantage of an opportunity. Then strength and determination resulted in a meal.

I'm just surprised that the Hoodie was prepared to tackle such a powerful adversary.


  1. I immediately thought of that quote, something like "nature is red in tooth and claw" ~ and beak, too!

  2. It was interesting behaviour to watch and document, if a tad raw.
