Monday, 28 September 2020

New lens

 The macro lens for the OM5 arrived. I just had an hour of light to play with it this evening.

Creeping thistle.

Leuconora spp.

Scathophaga stercoraria.


Wych Elm.


  1. Looking good Alastair and with blogger having better images now, you'll do well...

  2. Thanks Stewart, yes pleased with the lens, the Olympus Tough will no doubt still be employed but the stabilisation and the much easier grip on the OM5 really help. Just got to figure out how the image stacking and the combining images to make a mega quality image work. I'll post some more from today, pleased to find Eristalis tenax by home this evening.

    Having trouble with the new Blogger getting text to sit exactly where I want it, bit annoying.
