Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Moth trapping in November.

Some years I've put the traps away in early October until March or even April by now, but it's warm. Friday was overcast and still as well. I put out the actinic in its usual spot under the back trees, on the edge of the larger Sycamores. The synergetic was near a pale (it ought to be white) wall of the house also round the back. I patrolled regularly with torch, camera and tubes and investigated the trees as well as the wall and the traps. It was a rewarding evening. I'm still unsure of the id of the several Acleris that were buzzing around and hanging about the actinic (not the synergetic). At first I though they were Acleris variegana but I'm now wondering about hyemana, I'm heading in that direction.

I think this photo nails hyemana with the pointed apex to the fore wing.

The only other moth species was Depressaria radiella one of which found its way into the synergetic trap. (There was a White-shouldered House Moth in the kitchen as well.) 

It was a good night for other things though with an unexpected weevil in the synergetic, Sitona linealis.

Sitona linealis most likely.

Four species of cranefly was a good do, getting a female Tipula pagana nailed that species for the year as the males are apparently a tad tricky to be certain of.

Tipula oleracea, surprisingly, by the eyes nearly touching at the base.

Limonia nubeculosa.

Tipula pagana, female with reduced wings top and likely male below.

Trichocera regelationis.

On the trees at the back I found my specialiity, Oligolophis hanseni, I'm not sure anyone else has recorded these in Orkney, they are likely quite wide spread, I've found them in Binscarth as well as here. It's a matter of going out at night in late autumn with a torch.

Oligolophus hanseni.

This next opilione was on the kitchen window ledge, I haven't got around to identifying it yet, work in progress.

I'm guessing Paroligolophus agrestis but I haven't checked it out, could be miles out.

Porcellio spinicornis on the house wall.

Whalebone, Northside, Birsay.

Evening, from home.

Say something about the US election? Obvious, surely. It was so interesting how the Murdoch press just suddenly abandonned DT. Looks like much of the Republican party followed suit quite soon too. However, I wouldn't count on this being a lasting thing, they can't afford to lose all that MAGA support. Thanks are due to a huge number of people who have knocked on doors and talked for months. This is worth reading - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/09/stacey-abrams-georgia-senate-run-off-election


  1. Definitely hyemana for me Al, I used to get a few but not had one for ages...

  2. Thanks Stewart, a new one for me, smart little moth.
