Thursday, 11 November 2021


The rebuilt conservatory has survived the storm. That was a tad nerve wracking. One a.m. and the wind was hitting 70+. Subsequently I've been down to the sea a couple of times. I'm always hopeful of finding some tree that has crossed the Atlantic and contains Columbus Crabs or By-the-Wind-Sailors that continue to elude me. Anyway, unsuccessful on that front, just loads of fishing industry crap; dire stuff that frequently entangles wildlife. I managed to drag a fair bit above the tideline. Surely the fishermen should come and do some beach cleaning? I heard someone from a southern island nation speaking the other day on the radio about the unfairness of their country bearing the brunt of pollution and climate change because of the affluent West's behaviour, too true. However, I guess as I do eat some fish it's fair enough I should do some cleaning of the beaches, I'm equally part of that problem.

Chuffed that daughters marched in Glasgow on Friday and Saturday.

The recent high winds have produced some fine seas. Unexpected yesterday, it hadn't seemed that windy, but something was happening out in the Atlantic.

Prior to taking these I misjudged the incoming waves and filled the wellies leading to a cold squelchy walk and photo shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Chuffed, you should be, two girls to be very proud of.
