Saturday, 18 December 2021

Moths in December.

 It is really quite warm. Yesterday it was sunny all day, clear at night, no frost. But it had been warm for three or four days and then the wind dropped away. Time for some night-time wandering with the headtorch and camera.

Wednesday evening produced one each of Winter Moth, Blastobasis lacticolella, a rather confusing dark one for which I needed some ID assistance (thanks BS and SS), and finally a superb female Mottled Umber.

Returned to where I found it.

An educational Blastobasis lacticolella.

Thursday night, eight Winter Moths, a male Mottled Umber and another, but more straightforward Blastobasis lacticolella.

Last night, there were 20 Winter Moths, including a pair in cop and a freshly emerged male and three male Mottled Umber.

Male Winter Moth, just emerged.

Same moth, an hour later.

Winter Moth, pair in cop.

The first male Mottled Umber was in flight, no net but it eventually settled briefly to confirm the ID. But last night three seemed exceptional.

Mottled Umber on the end of a twig, I've seen them perch like this previously once or twice.

A lovely dark male Mottled Umber.

Another day, another Glaucous Gull. A walk at Northside produced a 1cy west. Rubbish photos...

Glaucous Gull 1cy, heading westwards.

The beautiful clear day and evening yesterday came to a colourful conclusion.

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