Tuesday, 15 February 2022

The Knowes of Trotty.

The day after the last post I went out and saw two more Otters in two different places, Loch of Harray and Loch of Bosquoy as I cycled a circuit with mucking out in the middle: buses, Otters. 

The weather's been pretty shit but on Sunday it was good, if cold and in the afternoon we went to the Knowes of Trotty. A place just up the road where I'd never previously been. You can walk a circuit there which is always a good thing. It's a very wet place and there are lots of bryophytes and lichens and water plants. I collected a few mosses and lichens and ignored the water plants for now, really trying not to get overloaded with specimens.

I'm still working on the identification of most of these things, here are a few I think I know.

Sphagnum palustre I think.

The Knowes of Trotty is an important burial site, there's more info here - https://www.nessofbrodgar.co.uk/knowes-of-trotty/

And for Detectorist fans, there's gold in them there hills, or there was.

I managed to identify a few other things and have some samples to work on. Likely other IDs include Hylocominium splendens and Hypnum jutlandicum. There were some lichens as well, I think this is Cladonia crispata.

Cladonia crispata maybe. Field photo.

Cladonia crispata maybe, studio shot.

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