Saturday, 20 February 2021

Aurora not.

 Earlier this evening a fairly powerful aurora should have been in view according to the data, however, thick overcast and rain here so nothing to see. It is clearing, but the aurora is currently fading.

Went to Yesnaby and walked, took some pix, more lichens to think about. However Louise did find this...

Ruby Tiger cat.

I was also keeping an eye out for early Chrysolina intermedia (a very smart and local speciality beetle), but no joy. Probably a couple of weeks or so too early.

It being warm, but a tad windy and with some rain, I've put an actinic Heath trap out, nothing so far. However, I did look on the house walls and found two woodlouse species.

Porcellio scaber.

Porcellio spinicornis.

Louise reported seeing frogs on the roads yesterday evening, unfortunately this was the one I found today, one of us hadn't been paying enough attention.

Rana temporaria - ex.

Driving down carefully mid-evening today I did manage to see a live one.

Three Pintail on The Shunan today and two geese went over calling which I suspected might have been Tundra Bean Geese. Later on I had a look at Bosquoy where there's a flock of about 200 Pinkies, however, no joy. I guess the two could have been Pinks as the calls are not dissimilar and I can't remember when I last heard Bean Goose call (other than a recording). Otherwise, Oystercatchers were upto 12, Coot down to 32, Chaffinch to 17 and the Brambling appears to have gone (or been predated).

This week I have been listening to: Aimee Mann, Alabaster dePlume, Rozi Plain and revisiting a couple of Don Letts programmes.

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