Indeed, it was a lovely day and surprisingly warm. Surely there might be some invertebrates about? Not many it has to be said but Oniscus asellus with lots of young I think, a beetle larva (a wild guess at Nebria brevicollis), a pile of Cornu aspersum frozen to the pots L was clearing out, and the odd earthworm that I chose to ignore.
I'd meant to put a light trap out but forgot, however a wander with a torch found these in cop Winter Moth.
I might try to put a trap out tomorrow. In the torch there was a single Green Cellar Slug up a tree but a lot of the woodlice.
I had another look at the dog lichen, Peltigera. In the past I've thought it was membranacea and although that has been questioned a look today still led me in that direction although someone who actually knows something about lichens might disagree! I might try posting it on the lichen forum.
I must get myself some video editing software, I'll have a look for something shortly so although the actual interesting bits are rather short I've posted the whole 30 seconds.
The first one is Brown Hare. I think the bird in the second one is Jack Snipe, I'm swithering but I don't think it has a crown stripe and it seems peedie.
This is a seriously rubbish video.
I photographed more lichens and some mosses today but whether I'll be able to identify them...?
Anyway the rooks were straight away eyeing up their rookery on such a lovely day, a week or so and the first sticks may be collected.
Saw a bumblebee buzz past yesterday