Monday 22 April 2019


So Friday afternoon, sitting in the sun in our wee (and very sheltered, the easterly continues to blow) flower garden trying again to shake off this lurgy I've had all holiday and I spotted a movement beyond my feet on the paving slabs. More by luck than judgement I grabbed a decent shot, Sitona lepidus I think. The last weevil I found, Parethelus pollinarius (confirmed by MG) turns out to have been found only once previously in the county, Houton in June 1981, despite my expecting it to be common. I think the Sitona is a quite common resident though. The lurgy prevented my attendance at the last OFC indoor meeting for the season, annoying as the talk would have been interesting, cetacean recording. Anyway it did mean I could put traps out which turned out to be fortuitous.

Sitona lepidus

The moth trapping went well with a nice surprise in the 20 watt.

Emperor Moth, female

She left us some eggs so I'll have a go at rearing those.

I'm catching plenty at the moment, limited species but lots of moths, mainly Hebrew Character but plenty of Common Quaker and Clouded Drab. Lots of Parsnip Moth from this trapping. Red Chestnut appears to be turning up occasionally, see later post.

 The Herald, NFS, and a lovely moth to boot.

The Herald was caught in the next trapping. I've not caught one here before and only previously seen them in winter roosts.

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