Sooty Wainscot - I've checked the underwing, dark grey

Burnished Brass, common here now

I think this and the browner one below are True Lover's Knot

Not sure about this, haven't researched this carefully enough, Small Rivulet, maybe?

I caught a lot of these, some size variation. I reckoned Small Square Spot but at
Shetland Misfit Steve thinks these might be Square Spot Rustic, help appreciated. I'll try and post some better pictures after tonight's trapping (weather permitting).
Hi Alastair, thanks for the Lempke's comment. I think my info only holds good for good distinctive individuals and that some are like half way between the two! Still I was pleased to compare two good ones. The Lempke's was much lighter coloured...
As for micro's have a look at my links for Toms Moths, Toms Tams site. Then click on microlepidoptera for a good selection .
I like the "from the notebook" link, is this yours or someone else's? Had a Chalk Carpet at Flamborough this weekend, first Yorkshire record since 1999 I believe, sadly it wasn't us that caught it!
Thanks Stewart I'll take a look at that. Nick, no not mine Stewart's notebook (Boulmer Birder, look in my links.
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