Sunday, 30 November 2014

Bathroom redecorating?

Saturday was pretty grim, wet and breezy, but there were birds about and autumn continues with plenty of Blackbirds in the usual migrant places (Hawthorn Hedge and Loch of Bosquoy gardens). The Hawthorn Hedge also held two Goldcrest and one more was along the track ditch. It was under the hawthorns that the bird of the month skulked, unexpected in the flooded section was a calling (but unseen) Water Rail, not only a year patch tick but a new bird for the patch, excellent.

We'd gone to the West Mainland Farmers' Ball last night, so a bit of a late start. But a nice surprise as I made the morning tea was a Blackcap on the apples. Headed for the Stoneyhill Rd to check on the Red-breasted Goose, which was hiding, so down to Skaill where there were just piles of birds. Best were 28 Barnacle Geese, but there were Scaup, Whooper Swans and good numbers of waders.

 Still plenty of these moving through the garden

 Grey Seal

Slow progress on the bathroom though, just too nice a day today.

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