To be fair, although the ball was about half a metre out it was tricky to see and there were no actual cameras to prove the issue, couple that with Seb Haller falling over in front of an open goal when he'd done the hard stuff... I guess we are back to service as normal AFU. There is a certain relief to that though, somewhat strangely.
On a more positive note patrolling round with the head torch on Saturday evening produced a Winter Moth and a bug which I need to ID.
Winter Moth, Operophtera sp strictly.
I'm very much still a beginner with this system camera, but I was quite pleased with this in low light on Saturday morning.
Robin, very seasonal.
We watched Ken Loach's "Sorry We Missed You" on Saturday night, not a jolly watch, unfortunately all too true.
Today was a very nice day, not exactly warm, but still and with a fair bit of sun. I toyed with the idea of going to look for the Surfie and the GNDs but the greenhouse needed an end of season sort out. Lots of Green Cellar Slug in there, tucked into the bottom of pots etc. These eggs must surely be from that species.
Eggs, Green Cellar Slug, Limacus maculatus (most likely). |
The Chaffinch flock is growing, I counted 14 which I'm sure is a winter record, I might have recorded more on passage, I must take a look in Birdtrack.
2 of the 14 Chaffinch and a Goldfinch (of 5) - rubbish through-the-dirty-kitchen-window shot.
We went to the Links beach, hopefully to photograph a few waders.
Wave. |
Sanderling, and a lurking Turnstone.
Purple Sand, and a blurry Turnstone.
Hoodie, not a wader. |
Hoodie. |
The Brough.
The actinic is out at the moment, there was Winter Moth again on the trees when I put it out and at 7 there was a single Mottled Umber high up on a branch.
View to Hoy mid afternoon.

Mottled Umber, top one was on the trap, placed on the branch, lower one in the trap, still can't find a female of either this species or of Winter Moth.
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