Sunday 28 March 2021

Sea cliffs.

We walked at Marwick and the auks were on the cliffs, always a treat. I've a few places now where I can get reasonably close, relatively safely, as long as you don't stand up below an over-hang, ouch! With care, moving slowly, and not exclaming loudly when you bang your head, the birds seem ok about the approach. No Puffins yet, too early.

Guillemots, bridled and unbridled forms.


The cliffs and the nesting Raven patrolling, they seem to have no trouble obtaining rabbits.

Fulmars, and Fulmar in-flight view of the cliffs, Kittiwake below.

Back at the ranch the Lesser Celandine are flowering. I'm making a real effort this year with botany, I should be able to record about 150 species for the Ikm sq around home I'm told. We'll see.

Lesser Celandine.

I'm going to try to photograph each species I find as it comes into flower.

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