I wandered up Marwick Head to look at the auks and bumped into Minke Whales. There were probably five Minkes feeding quite close in. The whales were very visible, splashing a good deal as they fed.
Five Minke Whales off Marwick.
Also on view the auks, Kittiwakes, Fulmar, Ringed Plover and Jackdaw.
Kittiwakes. |
Razorbill. | |
Fulmar. |
Ringed Plover.
Jackdaw. |
Plenty of Jackdaws around, these birds nest on the cliffs but roost in the rookery next to our house, or further away later in the year.
Back at the ranch various things showed well.
Beris chalybata, a soldier fly.
Eggs of Gastrophysa viridula, the Green Dock Beetle.
Gastrophysa viridula adult female.
Geum urbanum, not a common plant in the county.
Leucozona leucorum.
Silver-ground Carpet.
White-shouldered House Moth.
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